Sell Land

6 Tips for Writing Land Listings That Get Leads

Learn how to write compelling land listings that attract leads with these 6 essential tips.

When it comes to attracting leads, a well-written listing is essential. Having well-organized, easy to understand information can help you increase the odds of reaching the right buyer. This guide outlines the components of writing a great listing, helping you avoid common pitfalls and consistently generate leads.

1. Lead With Three Selling Points

There’s an old trick used by screenplay writers: “Hook ‘em in the first ten pages.” If it hasn’t intrigued a producer by then, the script goes in the bin. Think of your land listings like screenplays. Your listings should stand out and “hook ‘em” in the first ten seconds.

Highlight three unique or attractive elements of the property in the first few lines. Three is a powerful number; it hits the sweet spot between providing detail and generating follow-up interest. This is your opportunity to provide details and showcase what sets this property apart from the rest.

2. Format Your Listing for Easy Skimming

Great organization and strong visual interest lend credibility to your listing, letting buyers know they’re in good hands. Use bullet points, headers, and other organizational tools to put important information front and center. This also helps potential buyers quickly find the information they need.

3. Break Up Your Writing

Use smart layout and flow to deliver concise information and hold interest. Don’t be afraid to break up your writing into punchy, digestible chunks. Doing so highlights the importance of each feature without being long-winded and makes referencing those features a breeze.

4. Use Templates

Doing a little work at the back end can simplify the process of writing a listing. Templates are a great way to produce new listings quickly and with consistent quality. You don’t have to make your own, though; we’ve simplified the process with professional, easy-to-use templates.

5. Make Important Details Easy to Find

List parcel numbers and agent contact information in a centralized location. Putting this information together near the end of your listing makes it easy to access. The more convenient and user-friendly your listing, the higher your odds of attracting leads.

6. Punch Up Your Call to Action

Land the call to action. Bring your listing home by inviting potential buyers to reach out for a tour or more information. Use language that encourages the kind of engagement you’re looking for, like:

  • Call to book a tour!
  • Book your tour now!
  • Contact [agent name] for more information.
  • Call to schedule a property tour.

Final Thoughts

Competing in a crowded market boils down to your ability to craft stand-out listings. With the tips listed here, your listings will attract the high-quality leads you’re looking for. Remember to check out these templates to help you generate instant interest and find the right buyer for your next listing today.

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